performance, 2019

Never learnt to share.

An every day, on-going, performance piece at the Fourth Wall BEAR Finals 2019.

“This is between you and me. This is within us and we – keep on sharing. We all desire. We all share. Who is the individual and what is the collective? What do we share and how do we perceive? A line between the intimate and the impersonal. Can what’s us, be yours – and so, be ours? We are all emotional connected. We are individuals, part of a collective. We are all human.”

A performance lasting as long as the opening times of the exhibition. Taking place in the exhibition space – as well as in the public space. Carnations being handed out between the performers, carnations being handed out to the spectators and the bystanders.

We are all part of a collective.
We all desire to share.

The work is awarded with the VKC Award (2nd place) and got selected for the Best of Graduates 2019: Galerie Ron Mandos show and shortlist.

photos by Koen Kievits

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